Atomic Habits is a life-changing book.
It changed the way I think about things. It also helped me escape from a constant cycle of creating and breaking new habits.
Here's how you can incorporate Atomic Habits on your iPad.
You need to make sure your environment matches your goals.
Design a dedicated digital space: Organize your iPad's home screen with folders or widgets for habit-related apps (e.g., Pixelist, Streaks, Notion, or Apple Notes).
Keep only the apps that support your goals on the main screen while hiding distracting ones.Set up physical reminders: Place your iPad in a visible and accessible location where you'll naturally use it for productive tasks (e.g., on your desk with a stand ready for journaling or learning)
Use Focus Modes: Enable Focus or Do Not Disturb modes during habit-building sessions to minimize distractions.
You also need to make habits obvious. Get it subconsciously inside your head.
Visual cues: Add widgets for habit-tracking apps like "Habit Tracker" or "Not Boring Habits" to your iPad's home screen.
Daily prompts: Use apps that send reminders or notifications at specific times to nudge you into action. Schedule reminders for whatever you need.
Dedicated shortcuts: Create shortcuts for frequently used apps or routines (e.g., a shortcut to open your workout video or meditation guide).
Make habits fun.
Gamify habits: Use habit-tracking apps with reward systems, such as Habit Rewards, where you earn points and unlock rewards for completing tasks. This makes habit-building fun and engaging.
Personalize visuals: Customize app interfaces with themes, colors, and icons that resonate with you. Notion has a ton of templates for this kind of stuff.
Incorporate enjoyable tools: Use features like the Apple Pencil for creative habits like drawing or note-taking.
Also make habits insanely easy to do. Reduce the resistance you need to get started.
Start small: Break habits into manageable actions. For instance, read one page of a book using the Kindle app or write one sentence in Notes daily.
Automate tasks: Set recurring reminders and use automation features to reduce friction. For example, schedule journaling prompts via the Journal app on iOS.
Quick access tools: Utilize split-screen multitasking to pair related apps (e.g., a workout video alongside a timer) for seamless habit execution.
And finally, to really get habits to stick, make them satisfying.
Track progress visually: Use apps like Streaks that display habit streaks and progress charts. Seeing your accomplishments builds motivation to continue.
Celebrate milestones: Reward yourself for completing habits consistently.
Positive feedback loops: Choose apps that provide satisfying sounds, animations, or badges when you complete tasks. These small rewards reinforce positive behavior.
Final Thoughts
Hope you get some awesome habits going this year.
Thanks for reading!
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